There is a Tremendous Need for Beautifully Designed Organizations in the World Today…
…exquisitely thought through and arranged. A perfect balance of vision, partnership and execution. Where people feel connected so ideas and solutions flow easily.
I’ve worked with creatives for the past nineteen years. I lived with one as a child. The power and manifestation of great design is profound. There is a yin and yang to great design – it is both pragmatic and grounding, while also being inspirational and aspirational.
Unfortunately, most organizations are poorly designed. They are a crazy quilt of concepts, initiatives, programs, and processes - competing theories - too many ideas - that confuse and overwhelm practitioners. Many are flavor of the month programs that companies copy because everyone else seems to be adopting them and they don’t want to be seen as parochial.
We take inspiration from the world of art to take you through a clean, simple and focused process to effectively organize and operate your firm using basic design principals. The results are profound - saving you time and money - and building new capabilities you never dreamed of. The process is divided into six steps;
FOCAL POINT Your firm’s 3 foundational areas of focus that drive actions, decisions and investments
CONTRAST Testing your focal point through the lens of business sustainability, client expectations, industry conditions, and competition
SCALE How deep or wide you must be to execute on your Focal Point
UNITY The business elements that have a logical relationship to your firm’s progression and results - common purpose, structure, expertise, business and leadership acumen, workflow, social system, and community impact
MOVEMENT The level of effort and drive necessary to support your Focal Point
RHYTHM Repeating elements and cycles that generate innovation, firm interest, and organization momentum.
If you are ready to design your masterpiece, give us a call. We’ll supply the paint and brushes!