Stop Calling Employees "Family", They're Not

Today, people are expecting more from their employers. And ‘getting back to normal’ is not the mindset you want to have right now.

Here are four areas I believe need focus…

1st - Stop calling your employees ‘family’. They aren’t. And the implication of this wording is fraught with emotion, expectation, and dysfunction. Organizations are COMMUNITIES, not families. Building a strong and dynamic community is where you should focus.

2nd - Get rid of culture killer ‘programs’ - top performer, high potential, mentorship, and 360 degree feedback programs…to name a few. The unintended consequences of each of these programs is significant. They distract from and kill collaboration and group momentum.

3rd - Manage your leaders. They must have the skills and abilities to lead, support, and foster group efforts MASTERFULLY. Many are struggling mightily. They need attention and guidance now.

4th – The power is with the group, not the individual. Focus on the group. Create common goals your teams can get behind and support. If everyone has the same goals...

…they can work in sync with each other.
…they can interpret success through the lens of their work outputs.
…they can anticipate needs, innovate solutions, and build new capabilities.

My book, WORK IS ART, outlines a simple and focused way to run your company. We are here to help. Schedule a call, we’d love to talk to you -

Here’s a link to buy WORK IS ART.