Today we must be focussed on pulling our teams together like never before - so people feel connected and ideas and solutions flow easily.
To do this, teams must understand where you want to stand out and call attention to your company. Deft editing and intentional placement is key. Then plan for, organize around, and invest in this focus. This is how you gain the momentum you need for long-term success.
Why 3? Because 3 is…
Creates interest
Adds emphasis
Add more, and things start to get muddy…difficult to recall.
Next, provide the workplace with a sense of cohesion and coherence by organizing around your focus and business cycle.
Where must you slow down and be thoughtful, versus when quick and nimble is necessary?
What does it look like to be efficient and effective across our teams?
When are regular updates necessary to educate, inform and evolve?
And finally, create cycles of reflection, ideation and adaptation. Frequent critical exploration will become a welcome dance between ideas and points of view.