Black Licorice

Black licorice, that is the trick for staying awake in long off-site planning sessions. That is what the Chief Sales Officer told me during one of our notoriously jam packed planning retreats. We left the meeting with tight shoulders, black tongues and indigestion.

Here’s what most planning sessions look like: a queue of individuals lined up to report - slide after slide after slide - and when people are sufficiently brain dead an annual plan is constructed with ideas that are thrown out without much forethought - assigned to the busiest people in the room - and forgotten once the wheels touch down back home. Sound familiar?

  • We believe a room full of minds equates to a world full of possibilities.

  • We believe planning sessions should be 80% inspiration and 20% presentation. Brainstorming, sharing, debating, envisioning (i.e. deep, meaningful interaction).

“Companies don't have ideas; only people do. And what motivates people are the bonds and loyalty and trust they develop between each other. What matters is the mortar, not just the brick”. - Margaret Heffernan

We believe planning sessions should leverage the knowledge, skills and experiences in the room - the ‘mortar’ that will take your business to the next level.

If you are ready for something different, give us a call we are happy to plan, manage and facilitate your next off-site.