Can we please stop talking about generations in the workplace? It is divisive, distracting and all together boring!
A guy wrote a book twenty years ago that highlighted multiple generations in the workplace and it has done nothing but create stereotypes and disdain. I was recently forwarded a graphic that illustrated the different generations and it made me sick to my stomach.
- my mentor is 25 years younger than me.
- I know 10 year olds who have the same traits as boomers.
- I know 90 year olds who are hipper than I will ever be.
We are all a product of our times. I am just as addicted to my electronic devices as people half my age. I want just as much from companies as someone who just graduated from college - to be challenged, to be heard, to be embraced and respected. Let’s work together and concentrate on those things. I think that is a great place to start.